
By the grace of God, we shall have our series of studies on the Theme – “The Chosen Instrument”. And by way of introduction to this, we are going to consider Acts 9:15 “But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. NIV


An instrument is a tool or device used to do a particular task. Figuratively, a person as an instrument is a mere tool for achieving a particular goal.

In Is 41:14-16, see the transformation that God in Jacob and make him in God’s hand. The same He will do in your life and my life. God has a GOAL and a mission to achieve for this world. May He find you and I as a suitable instrument to achieve that purpose.

We shall examine the scope and the mandate given to Paul and draw a parallel for ourselves. Paul was chosen as an instrument (His representatives), like you and I

a. To the Unbelievers:

We are God’s change agents to the world around us. The dying world has to be saved and it is only by the preaching of the gospel to them. It is the power of God Rom 1:16. 

i. Salt of the earth – Matt 5:13. Look at the functions of salt (preservative, sweetener, etc.) that is what you are be to world around you.

ii. Light of the world – Matt 5:14. There is great darkness in the world you are to shine as light. Phil 2:15.

In Lk. 4:18-19, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon, because He has anointed me to preach”. Lk 10:1-12 “appointed 70 people … and sent them into city and places….And heal the sick there and say to them, ‘the kingdom of God has come near you”.

b. To the ‘kings’

God is raising men and women in every sector and strata of the society, market places, etc. not just among the low or poor, but also among the ‘high and might’. Pro 22:29 God needs competent and diligent workers in their career or profession or business. They will serve kings or stand before the king and deliver the message of God to them as His representatives without compromising the faith.

1. Daniel in Babylon – Dan 1:21 “Daniel remained in the royal service until…”  In Dan 1:8 “he did not defile himself with the king’s meat”. Dan 6:3 “He proved himself more capable than all others” NLT. There was an excellent spirit in him.

2. When the king’s servants were looking for “beautiful and virgins for the king” Est. 2:2 Esther qualified and was brought to the palace Est.2:8. She became an instrument for the redemption of her people from massacre Est 4:13-16.

3 The uncompromising Joseph (Gen 39:9) became the Prime Minister in Egypt at age 30yrs (Gen 41:46) to achieve God’s goal Gen 45:7 “And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity…., and to save your lives by a great deliverance.”.

c. To the people of Israel (believers):

You have a ministry to the brethren as God’s instrument to achieve His goal.

i. To be an example of believers – 1 Tim 4:12

ii. To sharpen one another – Prov. 27:17;

iii. To encourage the believers in this end time – Heb 10:12

iv. To restore fallen brethren back to God – Gal 6:1


Pray that:

1. God will find you a suitable tool in His hand to achieve His goal wherever you find yourself.

2. That you will not be a misfit in the plan of God for your generation.